
New 新加坡六合彩官方网站 Grammar House Crests

2nd December, 2016


The following is an extract from the 2016 Speech Night address from the Headmaster, Mr Matthew Maruff:聽


“Tonight, I would like to honour the traditions of this School which, as I have said, make us unique, and our wonderful House system is a distinguishing feature of that uniqueness.


As a school steeped in history, the six houses are much-loved by students and teachers alike, fostering a sense of connectedness to each other and to the wider school community.


Indeed, the House system at 新加坡六合彩官方网站 Grammar is the foundation on which all Student Wellbeing is based and a safe place for students to express their fighting spirit and their loyalty to their peers.


Aherne, Frew, Jenkin, Jones, Millward and Riley; the names alone carry so much meaning for every 新加坡六合彩官方网站 student and teacher, and yet, it is so much more than the name and colour of each House that defines the character, history and aspirations of each of these tribal groups.


Late last year, it was decided that the time had come for each House to cease being defined by colour and name alone. These elements only tell part of the story of each House.


It was decided that something more powerful, more transcending, was needed to represent each beloved House.


So, we gave each House the important task of developing a Crest and a Motto that would, forever more, define each House 鈥 the people in it; who they are and where they have come from.


This is a significant moment in the School鈥檚 history.


The 鈥淨uest for a Crest鈥 as it became affectionately known, has given students during the course of this year, the opportunity to help leave a legacy that will forever capture what it is that makes their House special.


With impressive collective effort, our students have created a tangible base on which each House鈥檚 reputation will grow over time and tonight, it is my utmost pleasure to 聽reveal these to you, for the very first time.


What I am about to show you is the result of a whole school, inter-House, initiative that was open to every School student.


In developing the emblem and motto that best represents their House, students have been involved in; historical and linguistic research, creative imagining, philosophy, word-smithing, concept planning and co-operation, from Prep to Year 12.


The historical founders of each House, in particular, have helped to shape the personalities of each House and students are now well versed in how their House came to be and have honoured their founders in the new crests and mottos.


Anyone who has had the privilege of witnessing House competitions of any kind at 新加坡六合彩官方网站 Grammar will understand the significance of the spirit of competition and cohesiveness that the House system embraces, and therefore, the pride of place that House Crests will take for generations to come.


I am now delighted to reveal to you, for the very first time, the six new 新加坡六合彩官方网站 Grammar House Crests and House Mottos”:




Headmaster, Mr Matthew Maruff reveals the 新加坡六合彩官方网站 Grammar House crests for the first time
Headmaster, Mr Matthew Maruff reveals the 新加坡六合彩官方网站 Grammar House crests for the first time at 2016 Speech Night