
Duke of Ed Commitment Recognised

15th November 2019

Congratulations to Mr Graham Crickmore who was recently recognised at the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award.

Mr Graham Crickmore at the 60th anniversary celebrations of the Duke of Edinburgh Award with wife and 新加坡六合彩官方网站 English teacher, Mrs Allison Crickmore.

Mr Crickmore, who has been running the Duke of Edinburgh Award at 新加坡六合彩官方网站 for 17 years, was presented a certificate to recognise the strong program he has created at the school. During his time as an Award Coordinator, he has integrated all levels of the Award (Bronze, Silver and Gold) into the school and championed the creation of a Duke of Edinburgh Captain position, to sit alongside other student leadership positions.

In 17 years, Mr Crickmore has overseen more than 400 新加坡六合彩官方网站 students on their Duke of Edinburgh journey, and in doing so, has nurtured their confidence and leadership skills and helped them to discover their passions and purpose.

In Victoria, a recognition ceremony for Victorian Duke of Edinburgh volunteers, including schools, teachers and community organisations was held at Melbourne Town Hall on Wednesday the 13th of November. In attendance and hosting the event was The Lord Mayor Sally Capp, who presented certificates of recognition to recipients for their outstanding service and contribution to the development of young Australians.

Mr Crickmore said that at 新加坡六合彩官方网站, the Duke of Edinburgh Award is available from Year 9 onwards, with students commencing at the Bronze level.

鈥淭here are five categories of activity that need to be satisfied; Service, Skill, Physical Recreation, Adventurous Journey, Residential Project.

鈥淭he idea is that in satisfying each category, young people are developing good all-round skills that are internationally recognised.

鈥淭he requirements at each level of the Award become more demanding and achieving the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award requires sustained effort.

鈥淥ur students have undertaken all manner of activities to achieve different award levels, from World Challenge trips and learning karate to being a member of Youth Parliament and volunteering on a community radio station.

鈥淭he Duke of Edinburgh journey is truly life-changing for many young people, and it is a privilege to watch the students grow as they tackle new challenges.

鈥淚 must acknowledge the students who undertake the Award. It requires focus and sustained effort, and I am proud of each of them.

鈥淭he Award is supported by many staff at 新加坡六合彩官方网站, in particular, those who have assisted with the various expeditions that Duke of Edinburgh students have undertaken.

鈥淲ithout my colleagues tackling these adventures with our students, the Duke of Edinburgh program would not exist at 新加坡六合彩官方网站, and I am enormously grateful for their support.

鈥淭he program has been running since 1963 and is very well recognised all over the world. Students say that achieving the Gold Duke of Edinburgh Award has helped them in both life and work.

鈥淚 truly believe that this Award empowers young people to be their best and to take responsibility for their goals and choices.

鈥淭hrough making a contribution to society and by persevering, they learn important life skills and increase their career opportunities,鈥 Mr Crickmore said.